Shipton Mill - Home of Organic Flour

This beautiful, working flour mill is located just outside Tetbury in Gloucestershire where they mill incredible organic, ancient, heritage & gluten-free grains into beautiful flours which we use in all of our bakes. 

However there’s more to them than meets the eye - and another of the reasons why we use their delicious flours. Their philosophy is in line with our beliefs, which is the impact we have on people, animals and the planet. We don't cut corners and believe that great food begins with choosing the right ingredients.  

Farming practices used by Shipton Mill support, maintain and improve the soil fertility, so that our descendants will inherit a fertile earth. What we pass onto the next generation is at the forefront of theirs and our ethos’. The provenance and the quality of the grains are as important to Shipton Mill as the production method and they source grains from both local farms and suppliers across the world who share in their values. 


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