Hub Box - Make It An "All Star"

We are thrilled to have joined forces with the amazing Hub Box; a rapidly growing group of restaurants serving up award-winning burgers, hand-cut fries and crafted drinks. Not to mention Wild Flour’s brand new dessert menu created especially for their restaurants. Their menu is clever, interesting and oh so moreish! Their "All Star" burger definitely gets our vote! It’s a good job we all have a pudding stomach so we don’t miss out on anything from the menu. 


Hub Box started life in Cornwall and have expanded throughout the South West and recently a little further afield. Each Hub Box site has been developed around a central theme but with their own personalities, celebrating the great and the good of each local area.



Hub Box started life in Cornwall and have expanded throughout the South West and recently a little further afield. Each Hub Box site has been developed around a central theme but with their own personalities, celebrating the great and the good of each local area.

Their passion is all about serving up tasty food done the right way. And like us, they too have a conscience and care about where their food comes from. Sourcing locally, ensuring meat is of high welfare standards, working with like-minded suppliers and reducing their environmental impact. 

At the end of the day, we feel it’s about making sure that what we’re producing not only tastes and looks great, but that we’re also considerate in how we treat and leave what we have for generations to come. We have formed important relationships with our suppliers and customers and feel immensely proud to work with like minded brands such as Hub Box. 

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