The Good Egg Company - Free Range & Organic Eggs From Wiltshire

We believe there is no point eating cake unless it’s absolutely delicious. It goes without saying, therefore, that the ingredients we use needs to be the best. It’s not just taste that we focus on, we want people to feel good about our cakes so we always look to source from ethical and sustainable companies.

We buy our free range eggs from the award winning Good Egg Company, based down the road in Wiltshire at Paxcroft Farm. Here they produce some of the finest free range and organic hen & duck eggs, where the chickens roam free in huge grassy paddocks with access to a large, clean and airy barn.


Around half a million eggs each week are produced here, not only from their own 13,000 free-range chickens but  from other local farms for whom they provide the grading, stamping and packaging


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