Zumo Zest - The Real Squeeze

Here’s the juicy bit… we love using fruit in our bakes, be it orange zest to garnish our beetroot, orange & ginger showstopper or lemon juice to add moisture or tartness. Fortunately for us, we don’t have to look very far to source ours.  

Our next door neighbour’s on the farm at the bakery happen to be manufacturers of high quality citrus ingredients providing wholesome and free from products. The company known as Zumo Zest has been run by the Young family since the mid 80’s when they started making citrus fruit products for the food industry and even today, it’s still a family run business. 


Their hands-on approach ensures that the citrus fruit and resulting products are checked at every stage of processing whilst maintaining their nutritional value. They manufacture the highest quality citrus juice and zest out there. Don’t take our word for it, try it! We only need to 'hola' to get some more of their beautiful fruit.


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